Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, February 20, 2009

Gramma and Grampa's visit

Gramma and Grampa came to visit last weekend. Gramma got called Momma and Amma and Grampa was called Ampa. Very cute. Luke doesn't get to see my dad very often so it usually takes about 30 minutes to an hour for him to warm up to Grampa, but he sees pictures of Grampa all the time and will call him by name, just in person it is different I guess. They had a blast together!

Friday we went to dinner at Red Robin so Grampa could get a good hamburger versus a soy burger. Luke did really well until the battery on the portable DVD player died. Oops. But it was good.

Saturday we just hung out at the house. Grampa was still adjusting to the 9 hour time difference, so we all napped and had a lazy day. Since it was valentine's day we avoided the chain restaurants and just went to a local Italian restaurant. No wait on Valentine's day and no reservation needed, but great food. You can't beat that.

Sunday we met Gramma and Grampa for lunch at a BBQ joint and took it home to eat it. Good thing that was the plan because Luke was in no shape to be in public for much longer. Sorry to the folks at Texas Smokehouse that had to endure that boy. After nap time we went outside to play. Here are some pictures and a video.

Monday they headed back so I had to get a group shot. The best way to get look to sit was to turn on The Wiggles. Can you tell where he is looking, at The Wiggles.

I couldn't resist this one, not the best happy faces, but very cute cuddling with Grampa.

Friday, February 6, 2009

The piano

Scott's mom has a piano at her house and Luke loves to play it. This Christmas he wanted someone beside him while he played. This time it was Daddy's turn. They looked so cute I couldn't resist! The light is kind of low so it maybe a little hard to see, sorry.

They are playing on the keys and shaking their heads, and then Luke closes the top and they drum for a little and then back to playing the piano again.

Sunday Drive

On our way to encounter a few Sundays ago it was chilly so Luke had his hat on. I looked back and he looked so cute I had to snap a few pictures. He was actually smiling which has been rare lately.

We miss all of you and hope you have a great weekend. Next weekend begins the parade of grandparents. My parents will be here next weekend and the Scott's mom will be here the one after that. I should have lots of pictures to post.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Christmas 2008

We had a wonderful Christmas week as we traveled across Texas. we starting by leaving on Sunday and driving to my mom's 3 hours away. Then on Christmas Eve we left there and drove 5 hours to Scott's mom's house. Then Saturday we drove back home 4 hours. Good times!
Luke helping to trim the tree.We had a bunch of "Christmases" first was with my family, then with my dad's family, then with my mom's family. We had to leave that one early to drive to Scott's mom's house.

Then we had one with Scott's dad.

The next Hannah Montana.

The next Jason Mraz (Luke's favorite)
Finally Christmas with Scott's Family
Daddy being Santa
I think we is excited to be the next Tiger Woods, now we just need to work on his swing.
How can I leave out the best Christmas present this year, our new nephew:
Landon born just a few days before and weighed 9lbs, 8ozs.
I think all that wieght was in his cheeks, who can resist this?
Lainey adoring her little brother Landon!

Merry Christmas a look back

Christmas 2006
Luke and Santa
Lainey helping Luke with his pacifier.

Aww...Nana and Luke.

Luke with Nana and Pepa Prestridge

Christmas 2007
Luke and Santa (not as happy as 2006)

Luke opening presents at my mom's.

Luke being the present at Scott's mom's.

Back tracking updates - Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving we went to visit Scott's family near Houston. We had a ton of fun, it was so nice we went ot the park and Mimi was able to meet us there. Here are some pics.

Notice the "ham" in the background.


He made a friend who really enjoyed playing big sister to him!

I just knew he would be so scared to slide down the big slide by himself, but he proved me wrong!

And what kind of Thanksgiving would it be without his Texas A&M outfit, we had to switch midday between the Cowboy's outfit and A&M's outfit.

We had a great Thanksgiving and hope you did too!