Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

1st Circus April 5th

Our first circus experience was not bad considering Luke is 2 1/2 years old. I had no idea that by getting to fair park 30 minutes before it was supposed to start would mean sitting in line with hundreds of people because the doors didn't open until the time it was supposed to start. Once we were able to begin filing in, we quickly realized they had one set of double doors open for this massive crowd of people to come in. I quickly felt like a herd of cattle rushing through the gate. We finally made it inside and were finally directed to our section, which was on the floor. And by on the floor I mean about 20 feet from the rings. I also did not know that kids were allowed to ride on ponies and the elephants. I decided Luke was to little and could not go, that and he had been screaming since we got out of the car. Finally got Luke calmed down and in a seat and he had a pop tart in hand. Finally everything was right with the world.How is it the 2 1/2 year old can look at the camera, but the person operating the camera can't?

Luke was in awe from the moment the lights went down. The ringmaster was presented first with a little dance number and then the first animal act...The Tigers! I am glad the were in the ring furthest from us because even though Luke liked them, but they were about 50 yards away.
After a few other acts was the Elephant. This act was in the center ring and close to us. Luke loved it!! The elephant was very talented.

We also watched a dog act, but I didn't get any picture of it. At one point during the act the dogs slid down a tube like a slide and Luke wanted to go slide. But I was able to convince him that the slide was for dogs only.
We made it through a few more acts of dancing and such, but Luke was getting very restless. It was 8:30 after all and he was tired. When Luke has had enough he will start to ask to go home, and he asked to go home. We had seen the two main events I figured he would watch so we left.
I can't wait for the next opportunity to take him to the circus!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weekend at Trish's (take 2)

Here are the videos:

This is Luke playing with his letters. When Gramma came to visit about a month ago she discovered that Luke could name most of his letters, so I saw the opportunity to showcase his knowledge.

This one shows how most of the weekend went for Cambry and Luke. She would think of something to do and h would follow right along! She will e a great big sister one day (hint hint Trish). Luke had so much fun with Cambry, even though he kept calling her Lainey.

This is the toddler edition of american idol! I don't have a clue what he is saying, but it is so darn cute. keep watching until he sings the second time. I might be biased but I think he has the "it" factor. Just kidding, but he does take after his daddy.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Weekend at Trish's

This past weekend I took Luke to go spend the weekend with Trish (my college roommate) and her daughter, Cambry. We had a wonderful time! Here is Luke on the ride there, needless to say it was a quiet ride! Even Rudy go in the picture, but he looks bored!
Here we are sliding!! One of our favorite past times!
Even Cambry got in on the sliding. She originally wanted someone to catch her at the end due to a past bad experience, but after seeing fearless Luke slide a few times she decided to go without the help at the end! I promise she was happy in this picture! The whole weekend Luke called Cambry, Lainey. Which is his cousin's name. It was cute!
Here is the calf I go to feed! Luke really liked all the animals. I didn't get a picture of Trish's dog, but she is a tiny dog and Luke kept calling her a cat...oops.
Here is on of the four goats. I think this one is Patches. For goats they are cute goats. They all have mo-hawks on their spines!

Here is Luke inside the fence with the animals. He was not scared of any of them. It gave me some relief about the circus we had planned for later in the weekend!

I have some great video to add, but won't upload so I will put it in a new post later!

The new sunglasses! March 29th

I found some sunglasses that I thought would stay on Luke and he couldn't break the ear pieces off. They have an elastic band that hold them on. It was warm and sunny outside on March 29th so we went outside and tried out the sunglasses!
Can you tell that it is windy? But he left the sunglasses on!

You can sort of tell in this picture but the band pushes the top of his ears down. I will have to figure out how to position the band better!

McDonald's March 28th

After nap time Mom took me to McDonald's to play and burn off some energy. She said it was too cold to go outside so off we went to Mickey D's. This was the first time I actually played on the entire playplace. In the past I would only go as far as I could still see Momma, but I wasn't scared this time. Some very nice older kids would help me when I tried to crawl up the different levels like steps, which were just a tad too tall for me. But with help I could get up them. I finally got up to the slide and had a blast sliding down over and over!! I was not happy when Momma said it was time to go, but I finally went with her. Here is a picture of me on one of the many times sliding.

MS Walk!

March 28th - the wind chill was in the 20's so Luke did not get to go with me, but I went and had a great time! The picture below is of me and an old friend from middle school, Katrina! She won 1st place in her division in the 5k race!!! Next year I will run with her, or at least try to keep up with her! She also got to wear the tiara since she raised the most money, she beat me out in the last few minutes!
This is where I signed the wall of hope for my mom!
I smudged the last name for the blog, sorry.

Next year I will be more experienced and do a much better job raising money!! Thank you to everyone who supported me!! I walked 3.13 miles for you and every one with MS!