Luke was in awe from the moment the lights went down. The ringmaster was presented first with a little dance number and then the first animal act...The Tigers! I am glad the were in the ring furthest from us because even though Luke liked them, but they were about 50 yards away.
After a few other acts was the Elephant. This act was in the center ring and close to us. Luke loved it!! The elephant was very talented.
We also watched a dog act, but I didn't get any picture of it. At one point during the act the dogs slid down a tube like a slide and Luke wanted to go slide. But I was able to convince him that the slide was for dogs only.
We made it through a few more acts of dancing and such, but Luke was getting very restless. It was 8:30 after all and he was tired. When Luke has had enough he will start to ask to go home, and he asked to go home. We had seen the two main events I figured he would watch so we left.
I can't wait for the next opportunity to take him to the circus!