Friday we went to dinner at Red Robin so Grampa could get a good hamburger versus a soy burger. Luke did really well until the battery on the portable DVD player died. Oops. But it was good.
Saturday we just hung out at the house. Grampa was still adjusting to the 9 hour time difference, so we all napped and had a lazy day. Since it was valentine's day we avoided the chain restaurants and just went to a local Italian restaurant. No wait on Valentine's day and no reservation needed, but great food. You can't beat that.
Sunday we met Gramma and Grampa for lunch at a BBQ joint and took it home to eat it. Good thing that was the plan because Luke was in no shape to be in public for much longer. Sorry to the folks at Texas Smokehouse that had to endure that boy. After nap time we went outside to play. Here are some pictures and a video.
Monday they headed back so I had to get a group shot. The best way to get look to sit was to turn on The Wiggles. Can you tell where he is looking, at The Wiggles.
I couldn't resist this one, not the best happy faces, but very cute cuddling with Grampa.