Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New things Luke is doing

The first thing is this weekend all of the pacifiers "broke". He has been sad at bed time, but is beginning to go to sleep better. He was thoroughly disappointed at Miss Debbie's to find that the one there had also broken. So we are pacifier FREE!!!

He is going through the stage of saying no even when he means yes. It gets a little confusing for me because I will ask him if he wants his juice and he will say no and shake his head, so I put it up and then he gets mad because he didn't get it. The worst part of this is combined with the screaming phase we have discovered. When he gets mad or frustrated he will scream at the top of his lungs. He refuses to ask for help when he is frustrated because he want to do things himself as well. It is just a vicious cycle.

Sunday night he took a bubble bath for the first time. He was a little scared of the bubbles at first, but grew to love them. Gramma tried to teach him how to blow the bubbles off his hand, but he didn't have enough force to get them to move. He did decide after a few tastings that the bubbles didn't taste nearly as good as they looked.

He is saying more words if you ask him to say them, but he doesn't necessarily use them on his own. I seems at though over night he is changing more and more. I will get some pictures of Luke in his Halloween costume and get them up for you to enjoy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The drumming continued

Sorry, some how the video didn't make it on the last post so here it is for your enjoyment. I showed the video to Luke and he insisted on watching it for about 15 minutes until I insisted we stop watching it. And by his insisting I mean crying the second it was stopped and by my insisting I mean pretending it didn't work anymore.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Drum

Luke has been in love with drums. There is one at the baby sitter's and one at church, he plays with both of them constantly. Our good friend Jessica bought him one for his birthday and of course he loves it!! He also got some dinosaurs, wooden blocks, a wooden puzzle and a basketball goal he has been playing with a lot since Saturday. Here are some pictures and a video from the birthday party.

He also got a Big Wheel that he loves playing with too. His legs are almost long enough to make the pedals go all the way around. He mainly just scoots it with his feet for now.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Luke

I want to thank everyone for coming to celebrate Luke's 2nd birthday. We enjoyed getting to spend time with all of you. For those of you who were unable to attend we hope to get to visit with you soon. Luke has been playing with all of his new toys nonstop.

We were honored to have 3 of Luke's Great-Grandparents attend his party. I know he had so much fun playing with all of you and entertaining you.

I will add more pictures and videos of Luke playing with all of his new toys as soon as I get them added to my computer. Thank you all for making it a wonderful day!!!