Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Added feature

I added a service that will notify you when my blog has been updated. Just enter your e-mail address in the form to the right. The website it directs you to will have you enter some numbers (just to make sure you are a person), then they will send you an e-mail. You will need to click on a link in the e-mail to verify the subscription and create a password. I hope you enjoy. This should save you from checking it multiple times and being disappointed when nothing has changed.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break is Over.

Sorry for the silence last week. I was on Spring Break and I could not get an Internet connection at home. But it is back to the ol' grindstone so I am back in touch. It was a good week for us. We took a short, but good trip to see Scott's family and so Scott could go see one of his good friends he hadn't seen in a while. We took advantage of the nice weather and spent some time in Luke's Aunt and Uncle's backyard. Here are some pictures of the fun:

Here he is trying out his cousin's toys. One was too big and one was just right.

Here is Lainey with Uncle Scott. It looks like they are in a staring contest, but she was telling him how she hurt her hand.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Talk, talk, talk

Well Luke is definitely feeling better from his surgery. Saturday if he was awake he was constantly talking! That is all the boy did - I don't have a clue what he was saying, but he was telling us something. He was pretty fussy Sunday morning, but he also didn't sleep well Saturday night, so Luke and I stayed home from church and rested. The Doctor had warned us that Luke might have bad breath due to the scabs and healing from his adenoids. Well they weren't kidding - he has very bad breath! I can't even describe it! Just be glad if you don't get to experience it. The sitter - Miss Debbie - said he was very good monday. He told everyone that came and went hi and bye. He also would go to her and hug her and give her kisses.

Luke has also become a "little" obsessed with 2 of his books. The first is his "Colors" book. A friend of Scott's family gave it to him and it has sea animals to help illustrate the colors - red crab - orange fish - that sort of thing. But the animals also come out like puzzle pieces which he loves. The only problem is the only one that has loosened up enough for him to get out by himself is the blue octopus. So when we get to that one he will pull it out, but we have to put it back in because he can't just yet. As you can imagine he will do this over and over. I don't even think he can get tired of it, he just gets distracted by other things.
The other book is from his Aunt Rah-Rah (Sarah) and of course it is about dinosaurs. So we will read that 6 page book over and over. Last night I got tired of reading it so I asked Luke to read it to me. He then started to point to each of the dinosaurs on the page and say something about each one. It was very cute!!

One last thing - last night I was trying to get a candid photo and Scott and Luke playing, but as soon as the flash went off Luke looked up and said "Cheese". It was too precious! We hope you are all having a great week.

Friday, March 7, 2008

On the road to no more ear infections

Well, we got to the surgery center with about 20 minutes to spare because I was so worried we would be late due to the weather and traffic. Luckily Scott didn't let us leave at 7:30ish like I thought we needed to do. Luke was so good all morning, he really never complained about not eating. So we got all checked in and they took us back right on time. But once we got into the first room before they take him back to do the procedure we waited about an hour. That was not so much fun, he was tired and hungry and he knows the diaper bag has food in it so it was fun trying to keep his mind off of the bag. The nurse finally came to take him back at 11:00 and then we were taken to another room to wait for the doctor to tell us how it all went. They kept saying it would be just a few minutes and the doctor would be by, but we also heard that while we waited for an hour. Sure enough 5-10 minutes later he came in and said they were all done and Luke did very well. Then about 15 minutes after that we were able to see Luke. In recovery he never got upset or fussy, he just didn't like the IV in his foot or the monitor on his toe, but he dealt with it. We were discharged at about 12:15pm and headed home. Luke did well on the ride home - apparently some kids get car sick from the drugs, but luckily not us. We got home and he ate some lunch, played a little and ofcourse watched Shrek the Halls for the millionth time, then went down for a nap. The only real recovery he will have is some bad breath while the scab from the adenoids heals. I guess we will have to give him some Listerine breath strips until then, but it can't be nearly as bad as Rudy's breath (our dog).

Here are some pictures from the waiting room before you get called back. He liked crawling and falling all over these foam mats.

The next picture is of Luke and his nurse that was in the room with us. The faces make it seem bad but they were actually happy at the time, I just snapped the picture a little too late.

Last but not least the rocking chair the "nurse" sat in was tons of fun for Luke too.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Surgery for Luke

So far I have talked to Luke's Surgery center 3 times today. They have pushed back his time of arrival from 8:55 to 9:40 due to the impending weather. He cannot have any food or milk after midnight and no clear fluids after 7:40. I have a feeling it will be a long morning since the poor baby can't eat. He is used to getting a little something when he first gets up and then breakfast later. I don't think Jello will cut it for him, but it will have to do. I will try to keep you all updated today and tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Update on the ears

We went to the ENT doctor Wednesday the 27th. He determined Luke would benefit from having tubes put in his ears and his adenoids taken out. He also said he has bad nasal allergies and the removal of the adenoids would help that as well as the new medicine he gave Luke. He gave Luke singulair and nasonex. I was a little worried how Luke would take the nasonex since he will fight like crazy when I try to put saline drops in his nose, but for the past 2 days he has just sat in his high chair and let me squirt it is his nose. I hope that doesn't change. His surgery is scheduled for Friday morning. We don't know the exact time, they are suppose to call us and let us know. The tubes have basically no recovery time, but the adenoids can take a few days. So this past ear infection should be his last (while the tubes are in). Thank you so much for everyone who has been checking on Luke. You all mean the world to us.

Our Little Man

Here are some more pictures of the little man Luke. His personality is really starting to come out, along with his fits. I could do without those, but what would a toddler be without them.

I finally got some of Luke "parrot" words on video. You will want to turn the volume up because his voice is soft, but be careful because that crazy woman with the camera - her voice is booming!

Luke has also become affectionate. He will hug and hang all over Rudy, and even kiss him. Scott and I will get the hugs where he runs into your arms and your heart just melts. For a while now he will pat us on the arm or back when we hold him, just like we do to him, it is very cute! The kisses he gives vary from lips closed to mouth wide open and slobber all over. He has started giving kisses when you ask for them, but not every time.

I have also learned the hard way that sometimes he wants something specific to eat. I used to be able to pull anything out of the pantry to give him a snack, but now he doesn't always want what I pick out, he will stand in the pantry and whine until I figure out what he wants. We are trying to work on the whining, but it is very slow in helping.

Here is one of his Valentine's Day shirts. He is also sitting in a chair he got for his birthday.